BDSM: Get Started with Humiliation and Degradation
If you or your partner is interested in knowing about BDSM, and both of you want to give it a try, then I can tell you that you're in for an intense but rewarding road.
There's a lot of people who don't know or misunderstand BDSM. Stereotypes, misconceptions, and some forms of discrimination from conservative people considering it a perversion have made many believe that BDSM is something scary we should avoid. And the truth is that it is not; it might not be for everyone, but it is actually a healthy form of sex life.
Now, suppose you want to learn the basics of BDSM, especially the part of Humiliation and Degradation. In that case, this is H/D 101, so take out your notebook, and let's begin the lesson.
Humiliation and Degradation: What are those?!
These are two of the most common forms of BDSM. They are activities in which a Dominant (or Dom) uses their power on a Submissive one (or Sub) to make them feel less. They must be consensual in all cases.
Now you may wonder: Is it safe? Is it punishment? Is it pleasure? Is it dangerous? The answer to all those questions depends on how the action is executed and its people. Let's differentiate these two acts before we go on:
1) Humiliation:
It consists of an act in which the dominant part makes the submissive position feel embarrassed. For example: Making him go out naked in public.
2) Degradation:
A Degradation play is when the dominant man dehumanizes the submissive one. Some kind of role play can be involved, like making the sub act like an animal or an object until the Dom is satisfied.
So, if a humiliation act is happening, the Sub will keep their "humanness," but in a degradation act, they won't. But you may consider that some acts of degradation will also humiliate the Sub.
How are Humiliation and Degradation used?
1) Slave Training:
The Sub becomes a slave in training for the Dom, and he will need to learn specific actions the way the Dom is teaching them. For example, giving him a blowjob without using his hands.
2) Punishments:
The Dom will correct some unwanted behavior the Sub is making by a deliberate punishment. For example: If the Sub uses his hands during the blowjob after the Dom told him not to, he will be spanked.
3) Pleasure:
Some people get off from being humiliated or degraded. For example, the Sub could get excited when being spanked by the Dom after using his hands on that mentioned blowjob where he wasn't supposed to.
4) BDSM Games:
Picture this: All of the other activities we talked about are part of a more significant game situation that can add more spice, anticipation, and anxiety. For example, the Sub will become a slave at any moment the Dom says, and he can't say no to it.
The Four Horsemen of Humiliation and Degradation
For an excellent H/D play to work, four things need to be present. Do you want to know what they are? The Four Horsemen of H/D are Communication, Safety, Sanity, and Consent. I bet these are not the things you were thinking about. Still, they are fundamental for these kinds of activities to have the most favorable outcome for all the parts involved.
1) Communication:
Before any interaction between the Dom and the Sub, there should be an agreement, so there are no misunderstandings between them. This means that any form of H/D should be discussed ahead of time between the parts involved.
All the games, all the punishments, how far they are willing to go, and establishing the safewords to determine when the game is over. No matter what's why you and your partner decide to do some H/D play, the main goal is that both of you have a good time in the end.
2) Safety:
It should never ever damage the Sub's safe space. This means the Sub can never feel unsafe, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. Also, the punishments should be agreed upon by both parties.
Safety also means that if some "public place" action is involved, it can really be a "public place." The only places where you can perform public H/D acts in front of other people are sex clubs, BDSM gatherings, a private meeting between kinky friends on a closed property. Even if you decide to go to one of these places, you need to follow the rules of the place you're in.
Why is "public" H/D play not really "public"? It is not just because conservative people might call the police on you or something. The people watching you cannot consent to see the act and might not want to. Remember, BDSM is all about the consent of the parts involved, so if you, for example, make your Sub walk naked down the street, you're affecting the people that see without their consent, and that's a form of abuse. Also, keep in mind that there could be kids in that public place, and that will make it even worse.
BDSM is already frowned upon by many people. So, kink acts in public can damage the community's image, and we don't want that.
3) Sanity:
The Health and Integrity of all parts involved should be preserved at all times. We've already talked about safety, which means that the Sub's physical, mental, and emotional health should not be damaged. Still, we have to mention that protecting your sexual health is also very important when doing these acts.
If you're going to involve bodily fluids, for example, if the Dom makes the Sub lick his cum from the floor, you need to deal with it as safely as possible. Use condoms, STD tests, and always do it with trusted partners.
4) Consent:
It is never enough to say how necessary consent is when playing with Humiliation and Degradation. Whether the Dom is "in control" during the situation, it's actually what the Sub consents to do that really matters. Also, the Dom has to make sure that the game doesn't compromise the Sub's personal life, job, and family dynamic, for example. The Dom must continually adapt to the Sub's needs.
35 Humiliation and Degradation Ideas to Execute with Your Partner
Now that we've talked about the basics and set the ground rules, it's time to actually play. Here's a list of 35 ideas of Humiliation and Degradation you can apply:
- Forced Chastity: the Dom will throw a dice, and that will decide how much time the Sub must go without being allowed to cum.
- Fucking against a window with the curtains open.
- The Dom will spit on the Sub.
- The Dom will ignore the Sub completely.
- The Sub must beg on his knees for anything he wants or needs.
- The Dom will call the Sub with a derogatory nickname.
- The Dom will scold the Sub if he does something wrong.
- Make the Sub eat from the floor.
- Make the Sub wear an animal costume and act like it.
- Cover up the Sub's in pudding or other sticky food.
- The Sub will wear a diaper and suck on a pacifier.
- Penis humiliation: the Dom will mock the Sub's penis size, masculinity, usefulness, or worth.
- The Sub cannot speak to anyone; he can grunt, bark, or use another weird body language. This one can actually be harmless to do in public.
- Make the Sub masturbate with an odd method, like using food or a sweet stuffed animal.
- Make the Sub eat from a Pet's bowl.
- Make the Sub lick the Dom's boots clean.
- Have the Sub consume their own cum after an orgasm, extra points if it's from the floor or another surface.
- Write insulting words or quotes all over the Sub's body with a permanent marker.
- Share the Sub sexually with other kinkers.
- Have the Sub shaving his whole body hair (eyebrows included)
- Make the Sub tan while wearing a bikini.
- Tying the Sub outside and leaving them there for a designated period.
- Make the Sub wear a smartphone-controlled sex toy whenever he goes out. It can be a butt plug or a prostate massager, and the Dom can set it on whenever he feels like it.
- Make the Sub wear a chastity device when going to work.
- Make the Sub go to the grocery store and buy weird stuff like the most enormous cucumber or eggplant and a bottle of anal lube.
- Force the Sub to wear the most slutty lingerie (AKA forced crossdressing).
- The Sub must ask for permission before doing anything.
- The Dom will have sex with another person while the Sub watches. Then the Sub will tell how he will never be as good as that other person.
- Make the Sub wear a paper bag on his head with holes for the eyes.
- If you have a desk at home, the Dom can make the Sub sit under it while he works.
- Making the Sub sleep on the floor.
- The Dom can make the Sub give a live webcam show.
- The Dom will pour water on the Sub's crotch and make fun of him as he peed himself. The Dom can take the Sub for a walk after this.
- The Sub cannot use the pronoun "I." He must refer to himself as "This slut", "This cumwhore", or some derogatory nickname of your liking.
- The Dom can make the Sub sit outside with an embarrassing sign.

Go On and Play!
Now that you learn about rules and have this long list of ideas, it's time for you to go on and have fun. Remember to apply all that you knew today, especially that there always needs to be consent. All the parts involved should be having fun. Enjoy!