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7 Ways to Increase Your Penis Sensitivity

7 Ways to Increase Your Penis Sensitivity

Penis sensitivity is not the most common topic to talk about amongst friends, though that would be a healthy thing to do. But no, it's not common for one to arrive at a party, bro-hug everyone, and then go: "hey dude, how's your penis this evening? Is it as sensitive as ever?". And no, that doesn't change when bros are not involved in the equation. Case in point, you never go: "Hey, gurl! How was your weekend? How's your little queen doing? Having sensitivity issues?".

I know what you're thinking; you're young and healthy, so you can skip this blog post simply because this is something that won't be a problem for you for a long time. And while you'd be mostly right about not having any sort of decreased sensitivity on your dick for natural reasons as a young male gay cock-lover stud, you need to consider the ways in which this could happen due to your lifestyle (I'm especially looking at all of you who love your indoor-cycling classes or that love masturbating marathons all week long).

Penis Sensitivity

A slight loss of sensitivity on your penis is really common, and getting it back (at least as much as possible) will depend on the cause. So, let's talk about the most common reasons for this and what to do for each of them:

1. Cycling (indoor or outdoor)

There are many studies out there that say that more than half of male cyclists report a certain degree of genital numbness. I won't delve deep into the medical reasons why this happens, but in a few simple words, this is because one of the arteries that supply blood to your prized man meat gets compressed while biking in regular seats.

Now, I'm not saying you should stop cycling, especially if it's something you love, but switching the position in which you ride can help some. A more helpful solution, though, is to change your bike seat. Experts suggest changing it for a split seat or a "no nose" saddle. Try cycling a bit less for the first few days to help speed up the process.

2. Excessive sexual activity

Yes, I know, never in our worst teenage nightmares did we dream that too much sex would be a problem. Still, too much friction on your dick could be causing it to become numb. This could be either because you masturbate too frequently (with a tight grip) or you're fucking too much. Or maybe both!

This happens simply because your little guy gets too used to the sensation. There's actually a word for it: habituation. Simply put, your dick is "bored" of the same sensations over and over again.

The solution? Don't be basic, switch it up! Loosen the grip when masturbating, for starters. It's normal if you don't find it too pleasurable at first, but your body will adapt to this, and you'll be cumming as usual in no time. Now that you're more sensitive again, remember to keep switching how you jerk off to avoid losing it again! Get on all fours while doing it, stand up, change grips, change hands... Check out my blog on "how to give handjobs like a pornstar," and go wild!

If the problem wasn't your excessive self-love, but rather your extreme love of someone else's hole, then the answer is mostly the same. Switch positions, switch the speed and force you apply, and encourage your partner to use his mouth and hands as well to give your dick a plethora of sensations. Also, at first, just stop having sex as frequently; you'll thank me later.

Gay Penis Sensitivity

3. Sitting for too long

Listen, this pandemic changed the ways in which we go about our daily lives in a big way (for most of us, at least). Doing home office all the time meant less walking and fewer reasons to be active. Getting into the gaming world meant more time spent on our asses (having fun, but still mostly seated). Binge- watching The Circle and Too Hot To Handle were also great reasons to be sited in place for hours. Even getting into the TikTok craze meant sitting down to edit and spend lots of time swiping through videos, searching for which one to do next.

Heck, even before the pandemic, most of us spent too much time seated. This can have lots of bad repercussions on your health, but staying on topic - could be the reason why your dick is less sensitive. If you're seated for long periods, your prostate and perineum (the area between your balls and your bussy) could get pressured, and blood flow could be compromised. This could cause a tingling sensation on your dick or balls and even reduce sensitivity. In the long run, it could even compromise your erection quality.

This one has the most straightforward solution... STAND THE FUCK UP AND MOVE! Yup, simple as that. Set alarms to remind you to stand up and stretch for a bit every hour (and don't be ashamed of the need to set alarms, if it's something you're not used to, this is a great way to make it a habit).

You should also start taking calls while you walk around. If it's going to be a long call, you can even go outside and get some vitamin D (from the sun, you slut, not from a rando from Grindr). You could go as far as getting a standing desk to really commit to this healthier lifestyle. Whichever solution you choose, your dick should regain sensitivity in a few days, and you'll even see lots of slight improvement to your health!

4. Whiskey dick

Yup, alcohol can do more than just make getting an erection hard. You could be fully hard with a hot guy sucking you off and have your dick too numb to actually cum. If that's the case, you'll have a sad guy going home without his tasty cum meal and a hard dick on your hands with the case of the blue balls.

How much alcohol is needed to actually cause erection problems or dick numbness depends on your body and on your alcohol consumption habits, of course. So, if you want to be on the safe side, try to avoid going over two drinks and, instead, get drunk on the amazing sensation of a cumtastic orgasm. I'd say try to get drunk on cum, but I don't think that's possible (you're welcome to try, though, and share your findings).

Medical Ways to Increase Your Penis Sensitivity

5. Medical reasons

If none of the above apply to you, there could be a medical reason behind the decrease in sensitivity.

A pshycological problem could be behind it all. Depression, anxiety, and stress can decrease your sexual desire and feeling or even your ability to cum. And, I mean, point me to someone who's not suffering from one of these, especially during the pandemic! Girl, even if your life was great during the crisis, not being able to freely chase cock around was stressful enough! The worst part is that antidepressants can have some of the same sexual issues, so treating the problem could not be the solution!

It's a frustrating and vicious cycle, so it's best to search for professional help and be 100% open ahd honest when talking to them. If done right, you should be on your way back to slut-town in no time.

This could be caused by some of the medications you're on (especially pain medication, like opioids). If you suspect that's the case, the solution is not to just go and suspend them! You're taking them for a reason so, please, get in touch with your doctor and tell him about the problems you're having. They'll suggest what to do next to restore your sexual sensations to the maximum while keeping you healthy.

If you're not taking any medications that could cause this, the problem could be somewhere else, so it's essential to get in touch with your doctor. You could simply have low testosterone levels, which can decrese your hornyness and cause your cock to be less responsive to stimulation. Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and prostate problems could also be at fault. As you can see, this is best left to a medical professional, so get in touch and don't be ashamed to say: "doc, my dick is not feeling the love like before, what can I do?". You might get lucky and get something extra with the prostate examen you'll probably get.

6. Age

Yup, it's come to this, every gay man truest nemesis: age. If the decrease in sensitivity is small, and nothing above worked (which means you already went to a doctor), then it could be that you're simply getting old. This doesn't mean you're screwed; it just means it's a natural cause, and you'll need extra help to overcome it.

The most straightforward solution is to switch your sex game. God gave us a prostate to increase our sexual experiences (ok, he probably didn't do it specifically for that... but it's there, and it gives us great pleasure), and man-kind gave us toys to increase the ways in which we experience sex. So, if your dick is less sensitive: go for some prostate massagers, try bottoming, switch your lube for one that changes temperature, try a threesome and get fucked while fucking someone else... There are a vast amount of things you could try to enhance your sexual experiences. There's no excuse. Go and experiment!

Ways to Increase Your Penis Sensitivity

7. No direct reasons

When the actual reason for the decrease in sensitivity is unclear, and you're just way too young to think that age may be the issue, finding a solution could be trickier. Experimenting and getting sexual stimulation from different sources is still a great way to move forward. You could also try meditating, yoga or tantra. They could help clear your head and help with the problem.

There are also some creams designed to increase dick sensitivity. While results can't be guaranteed, there's no harm in trying some, maybe they do the trick, and you're set.

In the end, whatever the case may be, the goal is for you to have a wonderful sex life. So, even if you have less sensitivity, there's no reason why you should enjoy sex any less. Hopefully, you'll get creative and experiment with so many things that this could end up being a blessing in disguise. If you're doing it right, you could even have greater pleasure, better orgasms, and way more cum in your hands (figuratively and literally) than ever before. So, stop reading now and go improve your sex life!

Increase Your Penis Sensitivity

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