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2020 Gay Tribe Gift Guide

2020 Gay Tribe Gift Guide

Let's be real, 2020 has been one big kick in the dick from the word "go". Between global pandemic, natural disasters, and political knife-fighting, the Holidays are starting to look more like a light at the end of a long scary tunnel than ever.

The major bright side of all this is that we are all being encouraged to stay in, socially distance, and keep our circles tight this year. I don't know about you but after the year we've had, staying home with my favorite person and just enjoying each other sounds like a welcome break from the usual hassle of the holiday season. Plus, who doesn't like a good excuse to buy some sexy toys and stay home playing with them?!

This sexy holiday gift guide should have all the info you need to pick out the perfect toys for your favorite boys, no matter what their tribe.

gay gift guide 2020

A Gift For Bears And Cubs

Our ursine friends, whether young or old, seem to have a deep and abiding love of all things leather. I don't know if it's just the masculine aura that comes from shiny metal and tough leather or the fact that a well-fitted harness makes those big, fuzzy bellies look even more inviting than they already do, but bears and leather go together like vodka and Red Bull.

Picking out a harness for someone else isn't always easy and you should take a few things into account before dropping your cash on one. If you think about the physical characteristics of most bears and cubs, you will start to get a good idea of what to look for.

You want something that is going to flatter their cuddlier body type. So, you don't want a harness that crosses horizontally across the belly. Personally, I think that a harness that forms an inverted "V" just above the belly looks hottest on bigger body types.

You also want to be sure that there are no components that will pull or catch on their hair. Complicated clasps or fasteners are something you'll probably want to avoid in favor of simpler mechanisms.

With all that in mind, you really couldn't go wrong with this sexy harness that accents all of our favorite bear bits without causing any unwanted discomfort. A perfect fit for the chubby cub or burly bear on your Holiday shopping list!

gay harness

Shots Ouch Andreas Masculine Masterpiece Body Harness

A Gift For Otters

As part of the larger bear community, you're pretty safe going with a harness here, as well. The major difference, obviously, is that the considerations for body type are quite different. Whereas a harness for a bear should flatter their big bellies, otters need something suited for a much leaner body type.

I think this is the perfect harness for an otter, personally. It has simple fasteners that won't get caught in hair and the harness crosses just above the pecs- leaving those beautiful abs on display for all to see. It's an affordable, flattering harness that makes fit physiques really stand out. It's also a great gift for a wolf who's into leather!

sex toy gift guide

A Gift For Twinks

I've never met a twink who didn't like to be spoiled rotten. So, why not give them what they want?! I like to mix and match sensual massage goodies for my twink friends and playmates because it appeals to their love of pampering and self-care.

Let's be real, there are definitely far worse ways to spend your Holidays than being locked up inside, rubbing hot oil over an even hotter, young body! It sure beats the hell out of arguing with your racist uncle between mouthfuls of dry-ass turkey, amirite?!

You really can't go wrong throwing together a gift basket full of sensual goodies. Grab some massage oil or a massage candle, a massage toy or two, maybe a blindfold and some light restraints and you'll be set to while away those long nights in pampered style with your favorite twink.

kama sutra massage oil

Kama Sutra Massage Lotion

If you don't feel like putting all that together, you could always cheat and grab a ready-to-go sensual massage kit and a light BDSM kit and call it good! Either way, your Holiday season is sure to be merry and bright this year!

A Gift For Pups

When it comes to baby gays, I like to give things I wish I would have known about or could have used when I was just taking my first steps into the wider world of gaydom. I have written extensively about my early struggles with pain from anal sex and how I overcame them. At the time, I just threw together a plan to use a series of increasingly larger dildos to accustom myself to penetration. It wasn't until much later I learned that anal stretching is even a thing. I thought I'd invented it! Spoiler Alert: I did not.

Turns out, there are all sorts of tools and kits available to help you get past the pain of anal so you can enjoy it for what it is. If you wanna go deluxe style, you might get your li'l' pup a fancy, vibrating anal training kit.

b-vibe anal training kit

b-Vibe Anal Education Set

If you're a sugar daddy who's running a bit low on the sweet stuff, however, you might just want to keep it simple and go with something like this standard set of training plugs. Either way, you will be giving a thoughtful, useful gift that's sure to go over well.

You might also want to consider hooking your pup up with some accessories to help them get the most out of their new plugs. If I could go back in time and let younger me know that lube shooters exist, I could have saved myself a lot of hassle and funny walking over the years.

My favorite lube shooter at the moment is this clever design that allows you to put the shooter directly onto the bottle. You don't have to worry about stopping for a refill- just grab that baby and give it a little squeeze and you're good to go.

Finally, you could also consider hooking your budding baby gay up with a solid way to keep things tidy downstairs. A lot of young guys struggle with and worry about proper anal hygiene without realizing just how easy it is to keep your tooter in tip-top shape.

When it comes to anal douching, I like to keep it simple. My go-to douche is the CleanStream Premium Enema Bulb because it has an effective anti-backflow valve and sticks to the basic bulb-style design. It's simple, effective, and portable. For my money, it's the best out there and it won't break the bank.

A Gift For Daddy

Daddy isn't the easiest person to shop for because Daddy is usually the proverbial "guy who has everything". So, when it comes to buying gifts for Daddy, I like to go all out and spring for something hella fancy.

Sadly, we can't always be there to give Daddy what he needs. That's why I like to get him something to keep him satisfied on those nights when I can't be there to do the job myself. This blowjob toy from VeDO is a bit pricey, but will definitely keep Daddy serviced and happy in your absence.


VeDO Hummer Transform Your BJ Masturbator

VeDO Hummer Transform Your BJ Masturbator

And besides, I'm sure Daddy wouldn't be too mad if you snagged a little vibe time with his favorite toy when he's not using it! Total win-win situation here!

holiday gay shopping

Something For Yourself

I don't know about you, but I like to get myself a little something as a reward for getting my Holiday shopping all squared away. After looking through countless pages of perfect gifts for others and seeing so many things that I would like for myself, it's pretty hard not to pick up at least one little thing for myself. I've never been good with temptation, though!

Usually, I am so strapped for cash by the end of my gift-buying spree, that I have to be pretty careful about what I choose for myself. I tend to just get myself a new, middle-of-the-road dildo or a new stroker to keep things interesting on lonely nights.

I have a serious thing for glass dildos and plugs and have become a collector of sorts. They tend to be fairly inexpensive and the silky feeling of glass is one of my favorite things in the world. Plus, they're so damned pretty! It's a great way to add an elegant new piece to your collection without having to mortgage the house to do it. 

Something To Save You Money

Finally, I also like to take the opportunity to stock up on some staples when I am placing big Holiday orders because you tend to get a discount around this time of year. It's a good way to save money on all of those things you know you will need throughout the year without having to dig deep into your pockets.

cock ring

Speed Shift 17 Adjustments Cock Ring

You know damn well you are going to go through some lube and condoms before the Holidays come 'round again, so why not get it done now and save some scratch in the process. It's also a great time to cycle out worn-out cock rings for newer, springier ones. If you like stretchy-style, that is.

If you play your cards right, you could be set for essentials for the whole year at a fraction of the price. It pays to shop smart!

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