Cock Ring
Cock Rings
Get hard, stay hard with cock rings & penis rings
What is a cock ring? For those who do not have an idea what a cock ring is, let us enlighten you on the basics of a cock ring. A cock ring is an item that can both serve as a sex toy as well as a sexual health aid, wore around the penis.
So how does a cock ring work? When it comes to an understanding how a cock ring works, it is best to understand the basic biology of our penis and erection. When you get sexual aroused, the body responds by pumping significant volume of blood to the penis, thus causing an erection. So a cock ring acts by trapping the blood that it has already been pumped into the penis and reducing the rate of the blood escaping the penile tissues. These helps to maintain a bigger penis during erection. By restricting blood within the penis for a temporary period, it is not unusual to experience penis "growth," however, this will only be temporary.
Benefits of Cock Rings
So why should you use a cock ring? A cock ring comes with a lot of benefits. Let's explore some of them...
Harder, Firmer Erections         Â
A cock ring provides better erection to the user. How? The cock ring can be used to restrict blood flow from flowing out of the penis while erect. Once worn, a cock ring will help keep longer lasting, harder erections.
Improved Sexual StaminaÂ
One of the great benefits of a cock ring is that it increases your sexual experience by allowing for a harder and bigger cock. Due to its ability to reduce blood from escaping from the penile tissue, it ensures that you last longer during penetrative sex. Longer, harder and bigger penises help both partners to enjoy heightened pleasure. Cock ring helps you to be a “beast” under the sheets.
Different guys ejaculate at different rates. Some take longer while some take a shorter period of time. For those who finish faster, this can have a negative mental impact on you, and it can affect your sex life. The great news about a cock ring it can help improve your stamina, and prolong sex.
Cock RIngs & Penis Pumps
Some guys like to use a cock ring after they have had a pumping session. This traps the blood in the penis after using a penis pump, and therefore increases its overall effectiveness.
Cruiser Cock Ring by Perfect Fit
Soft, smooth and stretchy, the Cruisier is the perfect cock ring for beginners and adavanced users alike. Not too hard, not too soft - its just the perfect fit. Get yours today at adamstoybox.
Erectile Disfunction & Cock Rings
Erections are rightly seen as a key aspect of sexual performance. Some of us however cannot perform as we desire due to a variety of reasons - sometimes psycholgical, other times we are just not genetically gifted with rock hard erections. For men over 50, E.D is an increasing problem, but something quite common and not something to be embarassed or ashamed about.
Some Essential Facts About Erectile DIsfunction
- Erectile dysfuction is a problem guys can experience at any age. Though as a chrotinic condition, it is mainly experienced by older men. Sometimes younger men may suffer temporarily as a result of a psycholigical stressor or medication.
- Nearly 1 in 4 guys under 40, experience some form of E.D.
- Cock rings, or c-rings, can be an effective strategy for dealing with this problem. If you can attain a partial or full erection alone without your partner - a cock ring can help during sex to ease tension and bolster confience.
Travel Tip âś…
Always remove metal cock rings before going through TSA to avoid an awkward encounter with airport security.
Measuring For a C-Ring
When it comes to the use of a cock ring, it is best you know what your penis size is. We all come in different shapes and sizes, so don't assume that a given cock ring fits everyone. Understanding your penis size will determine if it is useful to you, and ensure safetly. Using a cock ring that is too tight can be a dangerous, so always proceed with caution. You can determine your cock ring size using the following steps:
Get a sewing measuring tape. It must be soft (i.e not metal) so you can get an accurate measurment. Harden up that dick, so you can measure accurately.
For traditional cock rings:
Wrap your tape measure from the shaft and around the base of your penis. Make sure that it is not too tight.
For cock and ball rings:
Wrap your tape measure around your penis and balls, close to the body.
Repeat the procedure to make sure that you get the correct reading.
Take the measured circumference and find the diameter by dividing it by 3.142 (Pi)
Diameter= Circumference /pie
Note: Measurement is best performed while erect. This is to ensure you get the best fitting cock ring.
Always opt up in size rather than down.
Some cock rings are universal, and are made to fit all. Measuring is intended to ensure you make an informed decision.
There are four types of cock rings available for you to try, adjustable cock rings, stretchy O-rings, vibrating cock rings, and non-stretchy solid cock rings.
Adjustable cock rings
Colt 3 Ring Set
Vibrating cock rings
Non-stretchy, rigid cock rings
Oxballs Unit-X Cocksling
Cock & Ball
If your cock ring vibrates, try placing it in different positions around your scrotum to feel extra sensations!
Remember that you can't hurt yourself, don't be afraid to try something new and most importantly always clean your toys right after be ready for the next round, duh! *you can purchase the cock rings described above and much more at
Do's and Don't When it Comes to Cock Rings
Choose a cock ring based on on the size of your penis
Apply lubricant around the cock ring before wearing it and while removing it
Remove the cock ring after sex. Waiting for your erection to go down a bit is helpful.
Trim excessive hair around your penis and balls to ensure smooth operation.
Do not use a cock ring for more than 40 minutes.
Do not use a device not inteded as a cock ring. This puts your safety at risk. Always use well-designed cock rings.
Do not fall asleep with a cock ring on after sex
Do not use a cock ring that is too small.
Be cautious if you suffer from serious medical conditions. It is always better to consult with a medical professional.
Lube & Cock Rings
Are you looking for the best sexual experience? Then you should consider using a cock ring and lube. Why? When you combine the two you will have longer erection, improved sensation and great ejaculation.
Using a lube helps reduction unpleasant friction, and allow for great sex.
When using lube, you start by applying it inside the cock ring. Place your balls inside the loop slowly, then pass your penis through your cock ring. When sex is finished, use lube to remove your cock ring.
They are different types of lubes, including: water base lubricant, oil-based lubricants, and silicone lubricants. For more information on the various available lube, you can visit our lube guide
Cock Ring Safety
With every great invention comes with risks and proper usage to maximize effectiveness. It is important to follow the following safety measures to ensure that you have the maximum cock ring experience.
When it comes to cock rings, you should be cautious with how long you wear it. Wearing it for too long can pain and discomfort due to excessive restriction of natural blood flow. Try to limit the time you wear your cock ring to under 40 minutes. However, keep in mind it all depends on the type of cock ring you are using. Some are meant for vanity, in other words, to wear as a fashion accessory, and therefore can be worn over a longer period of time. Always be cautious, and pay attention to how you are feeling. Follow any instructions on the cock ring packaging.
Choose the right size
Many cock rings are designed to fit everyone i.e a universal fit. However, depending on the material and design, some require you to choose a specific size based on your personal anatomy. Use a cock ring that is too large is obviosuly ineffective if your goal is erection enhancement, but one that is too tight can be difficult to remove and cause too much blood restriction. If you are unsure, ask us, we are here to help.
Updated May 2, 2018